Custom Yearbooks For Everyone
What is a Custom Yearbook Anyway?

Everyone has thousands of photos at their fingertips everyday. With TreeRing you create a yearbook that your entire school will remember by giving each student personalized pages filled with their own memories--like family vacations or hobbies that take place outside of school--in their individual copy of the yearbook. That's right, two FREE pages, showcasing what makes them unique, in only their copy of the book.
How Custom Yearbook Pages Work

Add PhotosFrom Anywhere
Add photos from your desktop or mobile device, link directly to Facebook, Instagram, Google Drive, Google Photos, or Dropbox.

Capture MemoriesFrom The Year
TreeRing inspires students to tell the story of their year by choosing from memory prompts, like favorite songs and where they traveled, so they can remember the best parts of their year in and out of school.

Remember Forever
Now when each student opens their yearbook, they will find their memories and their photos making the yearbook personal to each student in your community.

Digitally SignEach Others Yearbooks
Technology has changed the way students socialize. Passing notes is so old school, TikTok and Instagram is where it's at. With TreeRing, students can e-sign their friends yearbook with photos and stickers. We call it yearbooking for the internet generation. Signatures are shared with the school community and can be added to their custom pages.

Automatically CreateYour Pages
Every student gets two free pages, printed only in their unique copy of the yearbook, to fill with personal photos and memories. After you've selected your memories and photos, TreeRing will automatically populate them to your personal pages. You can stop there and they will look great, or you can choose to edit further. The choice is yours.